Flexible and modern interface

Access to powerful visualizations
Monitor planned resource logistics using Capacity Curves
Open business logic
PSIasm Admin Portal
Integrated Report Designer
PSI Java Framework
Work with Workflows
Click Design (CVC)
  • Access to powerful visualizations

    PSIasm comes equipped with a number of powerful, configurable views. They are the main tool for any planner and production manager who wants to achieve full insight into production schedule and current execution.
    Among many default views in PSIasm you’ll find:

    • Directive Resources Gantt chart – showing exact production schedule on individual re-sources, highlighting issues such as current production, planned downtime or planned delays for individual operations.
    • Structure Gantt chart – displaying complex multi-level orders in an easy to understand fashion. They can be used to monitor schedule and progress on individual orders.
    • Calendar Gantt chart – provide information about production schedule in a fashion simi-lar to personal calendar applications, which might be more suitable to schedule i.e. quality activities, audits, or other non-productive tasks.
    Access to powerful visualizations
  • Monitor planned resource logistics using Capacity Curves

    For every resource utilized in your process and modelled in PSIasm a flexible Capacity Curve chart can be displayed. These charts are a perfect tool to perform detailed analysis on a single resource (or a small group of related resources). Depending on the resource type and underlying process they can display things such as:

    • Current resource capacity level, i.e. current stock level of a raw material
    • Planned resource consumption (in case of raw material and components) or production (i.e. finished goods or sub-components) as a direct result of underlying production schedule
    • Planned resource capacity changes, such as planned delivery dates of materials or planned shipments of finished goods
    • Planned utilization of renewable resource (man power, tools, jigs, storage space etc.)
  • Open business logic

    PSIasm comes equipped with an integrated development environment and extensive documentation. This allows you to modify and define, among others:

    • Calculated attributes
    • Scheduling algorithms
    • Auto-join and auto-split actions

    Integrated Development Environment is licensed separately. Please register in PSI AppStore for full pricing of all PSIasm options.

  • PSIasm Admin Portal

    In order to reduce workload required to administer and maintain a running instance of PSIasm, a PSIasm Admin Portal has been introduced. It is available via web browser and delivers powerful tools for IT staff and key business users. PSIasm Admin Portal can be used, among others, to:

    • Download an APS application client. Just extract files from the zip archive and run PSI-asm executable – no further configuration is needed. The application client knows where to look for all server services and database, and no files are persisted locally.
    • Manage translations. Every button and label in PSIasm can be translated according to i18n standard. This can be used to prepare localizations for sites in countries not sup-ported by PSIasm by default, or to modify standard translations when needed.
    • Download and upload PSIintegration interface mapping files (XTDM)
    • View your current license use and upload new license files.
    • Extend data model. PSIasm does not come with generic set of “Text field 1” etc., instead for each object you can easily add exact needed attributes which fit your process.
    • Monitor status of all services using modern tools such as Grafana and Kibana
  • Integrated Report Designer

    PSiasm uses in-memory computing to optimize calculation of the schedule and individual objects attributes. This means not all data is persisted in the database, as it changes too often. One such example is capacity calculation (supply and demand for resource capacity). It might change with every feedback from production or each time the schedule is realigned.
    That’s why a special tool is needed to create reports based on such data. PSIasm can be licensed with BIRT Report Creator. Thanks to Plain-old-Java-object (POJO) connectors, BIRT can access data straight from the cache of Application Server.

    All reports available in PSIasm (by default, or ones created using BIRT Report Creator) can be accessed without any licensing limitations via web browser, allowing for easy and seamless dis-tribution of schedule and execution data across your company.

  • PSI Java Framework

    The PSI Group develops and integrates software for utilities, manufacturers and infrastructure providers. In many of these areas the same components are required, such as authorization, flexible view definition or scenario management. For that reason PSI developed PSI Java Framework. PSIasm utilizes this framework and benefits from many features provided by PJF, such as:

    • Detailed authorization and authentication, with possibility to define permission for each individual action
    • Click-design
    • Possibility to connect various PSI applications into custom solutions for managing of energy and material flow.
  • Work with Workflows

    PSIasm comes integrated with Camunda – leading Enterprise platform for Workflow and Decision Automation. Thanks to Camunda you can define complex workflows and run them on de-mand, according to a predefined schedule or as a reaction to events.
    PSIasm exposed multiple functions to Camunda which can be used to build your workflow.

  • Click Design (CVC)

    Click design (CVC) is a part of PSI Java Framework implemented in PSIasm. It allows users to freely create customized screen layouts, by combining and joining multiple available system views into complete workspaces.
    Click-design can be used to define complex, multiscreen workspaces, which are always persisted in the application database, and can therefore be available, or even applied by default, to all users in your company.